Ho many times has a guy checked you out from head to toe? Pretty sure you’ve lost count of it by now!

While the male gaze roaming over your body might seem super creepy to you (unless of course, you’re up for it!), it’s actually their way of selecting their potential mate. Evolution and biology force men to focus on every single aspect of your appearance as it gives them a good idea of how their relationship would be with you and whether or not you’ll be able to beget them ‘healthy offspring’.

But despite their obsession with bosoms, hips and the derriere, it’s still hard to fathom why men curiously assess that thigh gap. And we bet you want to know just why too!

Well, apparently, the distance between your thighs is a key determinant of how you’ll be in bed. Now, while there’s no research to actually back this up, it still makes sense men base their choices on the human anatomy. And the way your body is shaped has definitely got to do a lot with your hormones.

So then, how do your lower limbs (or rather the distance between them) determine what you’ll be like in bed?

To know that, first stand in front of a full-length mirror in cycling shorts, underwear or even your birthday suit. Now place your feet firmly on the ground and close together. What kind of gap do you see? What you see is what holds the answer to the kind of sexual energy you would bring into the bedroom!

How many times has a guy checked you out from head to toe

In This Article

If You Have The Type A GapIf You Have The Type A Gap

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You’re mostly joined from the thigh downwards and there’s barely any gap there. Save for the one starting around your ankles and ending near the mid of your calves. Well, it is believed that if you have this kind of a gap, you would be quite tender in bed.

It also means that you are a gentle lover and men get attracted to you because you are ultra-feminine and have a softhearted nature. You may even play the shy girl in bed and would rather your man take control than you take the initiative yourself. Although this is well and good, it has its downside too.

While men get attracted to you pretty easily, they may lose interest just as quick for your shy nature in bed can bore them. Suggestion? Try to spice it up a little and be more active than passive when it comes to lovemaking.

If You Have The Type B GapIf You Have The Type B Gappinit button

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Oh my, don’t you have one long gap! Your legs meet each other at just one point, and that is near your ankles. This open space means that you are, well, ‘open’ to trying new things and gain newer experiences. You like to bring in an element of playfulness and are also pretty adventurous and bold!

You’re not the kind to take a backseat when it comes to lovemaking. No, you’re all about taking charge. Heck, you could even be a dominatrix if you wanted! But the thing is your excessive boldness can scare your partner at times. Hence, it’s important you strike the right balance by controlling yourself.

If You Have The Type C GapIf You Have The Type C Gap

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Although your thighs are pretty closely packed together, your tibias still don’t join together at any point. This is what makes you the perfect combination of a romantic lover who can transform into a wildcat if she gets the freedom to do whatever she wants to. You can totally rock your man’s world! In fact, what you bring to the table can ensure that your man won’t get bored too easily. You really have nothing much to improve upon, to be honest!

If You Have The Type D GapIf You Have The Type D Gap

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You may have a very common leg and thigh shape but that’s nothing to mope over. Your legs meet each other at various points, namely the ankles, the calves, the knees and the upper portion of your thighs.

As for how you are in bed, you tend to take the traditional approach. You are not technically experimental and would rather stick to the few classic, favorite positions. Nevertheless, you won’t stop your man from trying new things and would definitely join in. Men can’t get enough of you because your support just makes them feel confident. Plus your slender, long legs are an added bonus!

Not satisfied with your result? Well, don’t ruin your mood over it. This guide only suggests what your legs could say about your lovemaking skills, and by no means is a sure thing! You might be a rollercoaster in bed despite having type A legs or you may be shy even though you’re a type C. No matter who you are, just embrace it and enjoy the fun times.

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